19 June 2020 18:00 / 20:00
Il 19 giugno 2020 dalle ore 18.00 alle 20.00 si terrà il webinar internazionale “L’ipnosi ericksoniana: come aiutare gli altri guarendo se stessi” con Roxanna Erickson Klein. L’incontro è dedicato a laureandi e laureati in Psicologia e Medicina, per partecipare è necessario iscriversi inviando una mail a segreteria@cipps.it
L’incontro si svolgerà su piattaforma MEET e ai partecipanti sarà fornita la registrazione dell’incontro con i sottotitoli in italiano.
Sarà rilasciato un attestato di partecipazione.
Roxanna Erickson Klein is the 7th of 8 children of Milton and Elizabeth Erickson, four girls and four boys. Each of the girls entered health care professions and Roxanna is the only family member now teaching Ericksonian approaches. Licensed as a registered nurse, professional counselor and chemical dependency counselor, Roxanna received her education through the state Universities in Arizona and Texas. She holds a Doctorate degree in Public Administration. She has done considerable teaching of hypnosis to professionals in her local community of Dallas, Texas, as well as nationally and internationally. A member of the Board of Directors of the Milton Erickson Foundation, she has authored numerous articles and book chapters as well as made a significant contribution to historical literature by cooperatively with Ernest and Kathryn Rossi compiling and editing the Collected Works of Milton H. Erickson.